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Brian Forbes

Working with Ministry Teams: The pressure to always be "right"

Are you always "right" ?

Does being told you are wrong lead into anger that surfaces at home and in the ministry? Being "right" can come from selfishness. When you are in the "I- am-right" mode you do not listen to counsel. You become focused on the next point you plan to make to defend your decision, and are not listening to the points others are making.

Is your ministry team an object of competition?

Are you always trying to outdo your team? Your team is there to complement your efforts in ministry. If you insist on always being right you will cause animosity among teammates.

Does it hurt your ego when you realize you are often not right?

Is your team right more often than you are? As the ministry leader, maybe you feel a pressure to always right. This can lead to fighting yourself and everyone else to be so even if you are not.

As a leader, God puts people around you to accomplish His purposes. This means you are a leader and do not need to have all the answers. A leader will collect the answers into a cohesive plan and implement it. No one person is good at everything. I am not a good writer and make many grammatical and spelling errors, but I have people in my life to help me collect the thoughts into something that others will understand.

Having a team working with you is the only way to see God's glory on the earth. We are made for relationships and taking the time to learn how to work effectively with your ministry team; knowing God is the leader is important. Sometimes this means taking a step back and scheduling some alone time with God. Our ministry is here to support you in this process.

Brian and Steph Forbes

I am the vine; you are the branches.

Whoever abides in me and I in him,

he it is that bears much fruit,

for apart from me you can do nothing.

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